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Morris Nechama, PhD - Publications

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Naveh-Many, Nechama M. Molecular mechanisms of parathyroid hormone synthesis. Book chapter in: Diseases of the Parathyroid Glands. Licata AA, Lerma E (eds) Springer (Totowa, NJ) p1-12, 2012.


Nechama M, Kwon J, Wei S, Kyi AT, et al. (2018).The IL-33-PIN1-IRAK-M axis is critical for type 2 immunity in IL-33-induced allergic airway inflammation. Nat Commun. Apr 23;9(1):1603.


Wei S, Yoshida N, Finn G  Kozono S, Nechama M, et al. (2016). Pin1-targeted therapy for systemic lupus erythematosus. Arthritis Rheumatol. 68(10):2503-13.


, Silver J, Naveh-Mani T015). Parathyroid-specific deletion of Nechama MShilo V, Ben-Dov I, dicer-dependent microRNAs abrogates the response of the parathyroid to acute and chronic hypocalcemia and uremia. FASEB J. 29(9): 3964-76.


Wei S, Kozono S, Kats L, Nechama M, et al.  (2015). Active Pin1 is a key target of all-trans retinoic acid in acute promyelocytic leukemia and breast cancer. Nat Med. 21(5):457-66.


Chen CH, Li W, Sultana R, You MH, Kondo A, Shahpasand K, Kim BM, Luo ML, et al. (2015). Pin1 cysteine-113 oxidation inhibits its catalytic activity and cellular function in Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiol Dis.76:13-23.

Kissick HT, Dunn LK, Ghosh S, Nechama M et al. (2014). The Scavenger Receptor MARCO Modulates TLR-Induced Responses in Dendritic Cells. PLoS One. 9(8): e104148.


Nechama M., Lin CL, Richter JD et al(2013).An unusual two-step control of CPEB destruction by Pin1. Mol Cell Biol. 33:48-58. 

Nechama M, Peng Y, Briata P et al. (2009). KSRP-PMR1-exosome association determines parathyroid hormone mRNA levels and stability in transfected cells. BMC Cell Biol. 10:70-82.

Nechama M, Uchida T, Mor Yosef-Levi I et al. (2009). The peptidyl-prolyl isomerase Pin1 determines parathyroid hormone mRNA levels and stability in rat models of secondary hyperparathyroidism. J Clin Invest, 119(10):3102-14.


Galitzer H, Lavi-Moshayoff V, Nechama M et al. (2009). The calcium-sensing receptor regulates parathyroid hormone gene expression in transfected HEK293 cells. BMC Biol. 7:17.

Nechama M, Ben Dov IZ, Silver J, Naveh-Many T. (2009). Regulation of PTH mRNA stability by the calcimimetic R568 and the phosphorus binder lanthanum carbonate in CKD. Am J Physiol-Renal Physiol. 296(4);F795-800.


Nechama M, Ben-Dov IZC, Briata PC, Gherzi RC, Naveh-Many T (2008).The mRNA decay promoting factor K-homology splicing regulator protein post-transcriptionally determines parathyroid hormone mRNA levels. FASEB J. 22; 3458-68. 5.498; 44/290; 7/85; 45/190; 32.


Markel GPI, Gruda RC, Achdout HC, Katz GC, Nechama MS, Blumberg RSC, Kammerer RC, Zimmermann WC, Mandelboim OPI (2004).

The critical role of residues 43R and 44Q of carcinoembryonic antigen cell adhesion molecules-1 in the protection from killing by human NK cells. J Immunol. 173;3732-39.

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